One of the successful missions of the 562nd bomber squadron was the mission to Poznan, Poland, on February 24, 1944, where the Zengerle crew was the lead unit in this mission. The Zengerle crew flew in Group A of the formation. This was John Paul’s sixteenth mission, and he served as the engineer on the aircraft. The aircraft flown was nicknamed “Heaven Can Wait.” Although the target was cloudy, the aircrafts proceeded to drop bombs. It is speculated that Stralsund, a city on the Baltic Coast of Germany, was bombed during these attacks.
According to Ed Huntiznger, “flak was encountered over the Danish Peninsula” but it was “scattered and inaccurate.” With only one plane lost and two aborts out of a scheduled 35 aircraft, this mission was deemed a success for the 562nd Bomber Squadron and the 388th Bomber Group as a whole.